Lubomyr Melnyk is a Ukranian pianist and composer who pioneered the concept of “continuous music” in the 1970s. “Continuous music” can be described as a never-ending and unbroken stream of notes played very quickly with both hands while holding down the sustain pedal. From a technical point of view, these continuous waves of sound can translate into up to 19 notes per second, making Lubomyr Melnyk a record breaking virtuoso.
photo credit: g.rohs via photopin cc
This music is based on a totally new technique of piano playing, with new kinds of mental activity required to operate the fingers – and a new metaphysical way of experiencing the piano’s beautiful sound – one can say that Continuous Music develops new lines of contact between the mind, the heart, and the fingers. These special lines-of-contact have much in common with Eastern philosophy and Tai Chi — where a special ENERGY develops in the body, after years of specified training, so that the pianist can, somewhat like the samurai warrior, perform “impossible” feats that defy normal imagination […] Continuous Music changes the player physically, mentally and spiritually : the heart beat is altered, the hands and fingers become soft and pliant, even weightless, the arms become totally flexible and water-like.
writes the pianist on his website.
According to the musician, this particular approach to music can also become a transformational experience for the audience. There is no denying that “the six day moment” is a beautiful and breathtaking piece of free flowing piano.
The complete 11mn track is streaming on Soundcloud.
“The six day moment” is taken from Corollaries, his first recording for UK label Erased Tapes to be released on April 15, 2013 next.
Absolutely fascinating art(ist) indeed! He is not only a virtuoso piano player but also a truly inspiring mind! I just read through a lengthy interview with him yesterday and was amazed by the depth of his words and thoughts… He certainly deserves more attention and I really hope to witness his “acoustic onstage meditation” one day…
Btw, I really like your website design! 🙂