“Murmuration” is an uplifting and unusual track with a 7/8 time signature by Nomad Soul Collective, a young London-based British band. Influenced by The Cinematic Orchestra, the collective came to prominence in late 2011 when the tune was used as the soundtrack to a short video which went viral on Vimeo.
The eponymous video by Sophie Windsor Clive and Liberty Smith was filmed on Lough Derg, Co. Clare in Ireland and captured a murmuration (or a flock of starlings in motion), “a chance encounter and shared moment with one of natures greatest and most fleeting phenomena”.
The music fits to perfection the starling’s random and spectacular cloud-like formations and adds to the overall sense of bewilderment. By early 2013, the video had clocked over 10 million views on Vimeo, providing Nomad Soul Collective with a most welcome boost. The band, who has yet to release a commercial recording, initiated a Kickstarter project in late 2012 to raise funds for a four track début EP due out shortly.